June 2011
36 posts
Just a heads up
We’re doing a bit of updating on the website at the moment, so please bear with us!
onwarmsummernights asked: I was walking home from a play last night with a friend, and a drunk guy approached us and starting asking for a shag. We made it very clearly we weren't interested and carried on walking. He followed us. After making in clear once again that I wasn't going to sleep with him, he let us walk away, instead throwing a glass bottle at my head. When I turned round and confronted him, all he...
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We’ve made a model letter for you to send to the individuals mentioned in the last post, if you want some guidance. We recommend adding some personal input, however, as template letters become quickly identifiable and can be dismissed.
We’ve also put the choice between ‘implement’ and ‘support’ in the first sentence. This is because, while Lynne Featherstone,...
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After walking around West Hollywood Park and seeing young women holding signs...
Sexis – The Power of SlutWalk Los Angeles was in its Stories
(via slutwalkberlin) 2 tags
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Crossroads Women's Centre Fundraiser
Many of the women who spoke at Slutwalk London are based in the Crossroads Women’s centre. They’re having a fundraiser evening on Friday, 24 June.
Event: Cabaret with Magic & Burlesque
Time: Doors open 7.30pm, show begins 8pm
Place: 25 Wolsey Mews, Kentish Town (off Caversham Rd), London, NW5 2DX Tickets: £10/£5 concessions
Performers include: Colin Francome - comedy...
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Slutwalk London footage :)
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Account of Slutwalk London
At three-something-ish on Saturday afternoon, I was in Trafalgar Square, chatting to the speakers from the ECP, looking round to say hi to Laurie Penny, and generally having a good time. As I chatted, I realised, to my dismay, that Roz Kaveney, who had been due to provide a message of support and solidarity from the trans community, was unwell and couldn’t make it.
That felt wrong: we, too, are...
objektrefuserejectabuse asked: Caitlin, you were fantastic the other day, your poems were great, especially the first! Can't wait for the next Slutwalk! Cheers to EVERYONE who made it such a perfect day, even though I was exhausted from 10 hours of travel it was so worth it <3
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What a brilliant day and what a brilliant crowd you all were! It’s a shame that much of the press has forgotten totally to mention the message - you would think that they WANT to keep rape mythology alive and kicking.
We really need YOUR help on this one.
We need as many of you as possible to comment and lodge complaints about reporting standards and the fact that NO mention was...
Fiery Redheads
When I was 18, I had three days in a row where different older men were sexually inappropriate towards me. This behaviour included a humiliating comment by a teacher in front of my class and one man simply approaching me, staring and rubbing his groin in a cafe. I love my Mum but when I told her afterwards, her reaction was to gently suggest that my dyed red hair might give men the impression I...
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If anyone was filming the speeches on Saturday, please send them our way! What with the cost of the stage/PA system/insurance etc etc etc, we couldn’t afford someone to film the event so any footage is greatly appreciated.
As are donations, as ever. We’re still short on cash for covering everything, so if you’d like to donate head over here: http://tinyurl.com/slutwalkdonate
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Here’s the list of speakers, for those of you who missed all our names!
Caitlin Hayward-Tapp, Elizabeth Head and Anastasia Richardson, Slutwalk organisers
Anastasia Richardson, Slutwalk co-organiser
Vicky Simister, UK Anti-Street Harassment Campaign
Cristel Amiss, Black Women’s Rape Action Project
Chitra Nagarajan, Gender Action for Peace and Security
Caitlin Hayward-Tapp,...
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Thank you all for coming yesterday!
We hope you had a good time. We certainly did!
If you want to be put on the mailing list but didn’t get a chance to sign up, just send your details to [email protected]
If you wanted to donate but didn’t have cash on you yesterday, why not check out donating to our paypal account here: http://tinyurl.com/slutwalkdonate
Love and slutidarity to you all!
See you all in a few hours!
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Yes means Yes, No means No: Protect All Rape... →
Slutwalk will not be over after the walk tomorrow. We will be returning as ‘Slut Means Speak Up’ and campaigning on various issues. This is one of them. Please sign the petition and share it around.
Over 90% of rapes are never reported to police. Of those reported, only 6.7% result in convictions. While most rapists get away with it and are free to rape again, women who report rape...
Just to confirm for the bazillionth time
Slutwalk London is open to EVERYONE, wherever you are on the gender spectrum. That means that YES men CAN march with us!
Also remember that the march begins at the top of Piccadilly at 1pm and goes to Trafalgar Square, where we will hold a rally with speakers.
See you there!
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Elane: Why I Am Marching
I am marching/stewarding because I hate the word slut and all it’s connotations of blaming women for sexism and sexual violence. We are not sluts we are women who can dress as we please, go where we please, have sex as we please, with whom we please and how we please without becoming sexually available or dehumanised. I’m determined that we will have a world where women are equal and free and...
Anonymous asked: slutwalkslogans.tumblr.com
can you put this out to all your followers, please? people can submit and suggest and help others who don't know what slogan to go with (:
can you put this out to all your followers, please? people can submit and suggest and help others who don't know what slogan to go with (:
Anonymous asked: Is it meeting at Trafalgar Sq or Hyde Park Corner? x
Anonymous asked: hello
I'm planning to come with my 2 y/old daughter because I feel that this movement in going even further the 'dressing up' issue. Is that OK to come as I'm a man.
Thanks and have a good march !
I'm planning to come with my 2 y/old daughter because I feel that this movement in going even further the 'dressing up' issue. Is that OK to come as I'm a man.
Thanks and have a good march !
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Apologies for the broken link on that last post - it should be working now, so head over to http://tinyurl.com/slutwalkdonate and donate a couple of quid! We really do need it to make next weekend a success. Whatever the donation, however small, it all helps!
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Clarification, again
Still getting Qs, so here’s the basics:
When is Slutwalk London?
NEXT WEEKEND! The 11th June, from 1pm.
What’s the route?
We gather outside the Hard Rock Cafe at 1pm. When we’re all ready, we Slutwalk on down Piccadilly and into The Haymarket, Pall Mall East into Trafalgar Square for the Rally.
Will there be speeches?
Yes indeed, from a variety of individuals and...
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Sheila Farmer: Action Alert
Sheila Farmer describes herself as a ‘sex worker being prosecuted for working together with other women for safety.’ Her case perfectly illustrates what SlutWalk London is working against: how outdated attitudes endanger women’s lives and freedoms. The anti-sex work crusade of both illiberal feminists and the conservative right hides a dark, ugly truth of repression, shaming and...
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Marilena: Why I am Marching
(Trigger warning for discussion of sexual assault)
The main reason why I am so keen in be part of your demonstration is because I was victim as well of sexual assault, three years ago.
I was living in Madrid for a semester, studying into a university to improve my linguistic skills, and the graduation day I went out with my colleagues to celebrate our goals.
As I was coming back home, quite...
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Crissie: Why I am marching
(Trigger warning for discussion of sexual assault)
I will be on the Slutwalk to help make visible the many ways in which we women of colour have been abused by those who want to justify our rape and exploitation.
I am a mixed race lesbian pensioner who survived child abuse. When I was 14 my white racist stepfather called me a slag and a slut as he beat the c**p out of me because he’d caught me...
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Just a reminder to everyone: SlutWalk London is on the 11TH JUNE, NOT THE 4TH.
And we’re meeting at the top of Piccadilly, NOT TRAFALGAR SQUARE (though you’re welcome to join us there after the walk, of course, as that is our destination).
Hope to see lots of you there!
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SlutWalk London Banner Making! →
Come and make banners with us this Saturday 4th June, 1pm, at the Crossroads Women’s Centre in Kentish Town. Bring some friends, banner material (bedsheets, plastic sheets, card and poles/sticks) and paint. See you there!
Crossroads Women’s Centre
230a Kentish Town Road
Please note: there may be filming and photography at this event.