April 2011
10 posts
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Why I am marching: Elle Rebecca
(Trigger warning for discussion of sexual assault.)
On 24th January 2011, a Toronto policeman told a group of law students that in order to avoid being raped ‘women should avoid dressing like sluts’.
The cold hard truth is that rape happens and although you can’t stop the rapists you may be able to stop the victims and survivors being victimised yet again.
Our aim (well certainly I know my...
Why will you be marching? →
Tell us your stories, or tell us about any articles you’ve written about SlutWalk, or feminism in general! We would love to publish them. <3
Pigtails and Army Boots! →
Go check out DJ Moonlight, a.k.a Hayley, and her amazing feminist music radio show - Pigtails and Army Boots.
Hayley will be on the march.
We're Telling. →
(Trigger warning for graphic accounts of rape and sexual assault)
‘We’re Telling is a blog whereby anyone can anonymously share their own accounts of attempted or completed sexual assault or rape.
Too often rape and sexual assault accusations go unbelieved, or the victims are blamed for their own assault. We challenge this status quo by inviting survivors of sexual assault to tell...
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Kelly: Why we need to march
(Trigger warning for discussion of sexual assault.)
In June 2011 a Slutwalk will be held in London. The point of the Slutwalk is to raise awareness of how rape is still very much seen as the fault of the victim. Victim blaming and slut shaming have to end. I, along with some friends and a bunch of other incredible women will be in attandance to show that regardless of how we dress we are not...
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Why I am marching: Ooffii Hardwick
(Trigger warning for discussion of sexual assault.)
If an 11 year old girl is gang raped, but was dressed provocatively to look older than her age, is it ok if she is raped? http://nyti.ms/f8F2y9 If a woman becomes intoxicated and two police officers are called to assist her into her apartment, where they then rape her, is it her fault for getting drunk? http://nyti.ms/fBzuMG Recently the New...
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Why I am marching: Bethany-Mae Phillips
(Trigger warning for discussion of sexual assault.)
It is here, it is happening, and before I start on an unstoppable rant train, here are some places you can get involved:
Slutwalk London Facebook (Please RSVP!)
Slutwalk London Tumblr
In January, a Toronto Policeman told a group of law students, that if women didn’t want to get raped they should “avoid dressing like sluts”. That guy did...
4 tags
Slutwalk London: The radical notion that nobody deserves to be raped. On 24th January 2011, a Toronto policeman told a group of law students that in order to avoid being raped ‘women should avoid dressing like sluts’. This sparked outrage around the globe, with sluts and allies from Chicago to Amsterdam standing up and saying that we have had ENOUGH of being victimised and...
Hey Everyone
Welcome to the Slut Walk London blog! If you’d like to contribute updates on how the organising is going, or any sort of articles, writing, photography, poetry etc, please drop us line - or you could submit them here.
It’s gonna be AMAZING.