What a brilliant day and what a brilliant crowd you all were! It’s a shame that much of the press has forgotten totally to mention the message - you would think that they WANT to keep rape mythology alive and kicking.  

We really need YOUR help on this one.  

We need as many of you as possible to comment and lodge complaints about reporting standards and the fact that NO mention was made about the wide spectrum of speeches – actually that there were any at all!  Just this relentless reference to attire.  That is plain hackery - not journalism. The fact that many of the “writers” are women of privilege, presenting a narrow viewpoint over the needs of other women, is particularly saddening.

For the record, The Times spent over an hour at Crossroads Women’s Centre delaying an important meeting by pretending to be interested in the wider issues (which they barely touched on).

Here are a selection to read (but please be careful – I’ve nearly bust several blood-vessels reading these)

We don’t expect you to pay for the Sunday Times to read their vile piece, so see it here:

Yasmin Alibhai-Brown from The Independent

And to brighten this up, support from an unexpected quarter:

The Christian Science Monitor: A Dress is Not a Yes

These negative reporters need to be reminded that they are part of the problem. They are helping to reinforce attitudes which lead to our woeful conviction rates and in doing so are helping rapists go free.  

Write to the Sunday Times here:
[email protected]

And Yasmin Alibhai-Brown here:
[email protected]

<3 Slutidarity to you all! <3

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Donate to SlutWalk London 2012! We still need over £2,000 for a PA system, permits, stage etc.

A film against rape We are making a self-help film about rape which educates us instead of telling us to be ashamed.

SlutWalk London 2012!

Sheila Farmer's prosecution dropped

Photos: Tom Radenz and Claire Butler

Why SlutWalk London?

"I am walking because I was raped. I am walking because two thirds of people who answered a survey would say I am to blame for my rape. The only person to blame is the man who raped me.I am so angry with the lack of justice, the hundreds and thousands of rapists who walk away. I am angry because the survivors of rape are victimised again and again. If we report it (I did) we are forced to re-live it in horrendous detail several times over. We feel violated again when the CPS decides not to prosecute after all and he simply walks away. We are not victims. We were victims, for a moment in time. Now, we are survivors."

- Emily Jacob