If anyone was filming the speeches on Saturday, please send them our way! What with the cost of the stage/PA system/insurance etc etc etc, we couldn’t afford someone to film the event so any footage is greatly appreciated.
As are donations, as ever. We’re still short on cash for covering everything, so if you’d like to donate head over here: http://tinyurl.com/slutwalkdonate
Here’s the list of speakers, for those of you who missed all our names!
We hope you had a good time. We certainly did!
If you want to be put on the mailing list but didn’t get a chance to sign up, just send your details to [email protected]
If you wanted to donate but didn’t have cash on you yesterday, why not check out donating to our paypal account here: http://tinyurl.com/slutwalkdonate
Love and slutidarity to you all!
Slutwalk will not be over after the walk tomorrow. We will be returning as ‘Slut Means Speak Up’ and campaigning on various issues. This is one of them. Please sign the petition and share it around. Over 90% of rapes are never reported to police. Of those reported, only 6.7% result in convictions. While most rapists get away with it and are free to rape again, women who report rape are often disbelieved, accused of lying and sometimes imprisoned. We demand that police and Crown Prosecution Service protect all rape survivors (women, children and men), not rapists.
Slutwalk London is open to EVERYONE, wherever you are on the gender spectrum. That means that YES men CAN march with us! Also remember that the march begins at the top of Piccadilly at 1pm and goes to Trafalgar Square, where we will hold a rally with speakers. See you there!
I am marching/stewarding because I hate the word slut and all it’s connotations of blaming women for sexism and sexual violence. We are not sluts we are women who can dress as we please, go where we please, have sex as we please, with whom we please and how we please without becoming sexually available or dehumanised. I’m determined that we will have a world where women are equal and free and sexuality isn’t alienated. A world where we are worth more than our looks and how much men fancy us. A world where the word NO is understood as no and not reinterpreted by how we dress, or what we drank, or whether we said yes before or yes to someone else..
We can do it!
Like many I have been the victim of sexual violence and had to deal with all the comments and sick reactions.
So, where ever we go, how ever we dress, lets teach them that yes means yes and no means NO